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Glory to God, who gives Helen spiritual strengths and talents. Owing to this she lives and serves Him in spite of heavy disease. Helen studies at the Donetsk music institute, violin department,  she writes beautiful music and poems. She takes part in many music contests. But she has no conditions for developing of her talents, because she has no own home. Helen and her mother have to be cooped up in the grandmothers flat (this flat has only one room). Grandmother is very discontented of this and she has been trying to make them to leave her flat in every way. It had become just very dangerous to live with her in the same flat. Grandmother took Helens violin away, when the girl and her mother have being at the church. Very difficult moral atmosphere not only doesnt give opportunity for normal life, but aggravates Helens heavy course of illness. Constant stresses are threat for life of the sick girl.



Helen has been growing without father, therefore material condition of the family is very poor. She needs to eat a healthier diet and to have own home. She does need your support and help!



If you are not indifferent and if you want to help, please call or write:



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